Office: 855-623-3621
P.O. Box 30481
Indianapolis, IN 46220
Every year, each farm must evaluate its pricing on all products. What do you charge for your sweet corn, your pies, your admission, or your class? Is it time to increase the price which has held steady for 5 years and take the backlash of potential customer complaints? Or maybe you are adding a new crop or a new experience to the farm - how do you determine the best price to meet your expenses and still make a profit?
It helps to know that you are not alone. There are pricing models out there, but they don't always translate for agritourism. Trying to compare pricing from one destination to another may not be effective, due to geographical pricing differences or even currency discrepancies.
One of our best attended webinars is the Pricing Strategy Bootcamp which was led by one of our very own members, Hugh McPherson. Hugh provides great strategies to better understand how to price produce, good, experiences, and anything else you may be selling at your location. If you are struggling with pricing, or need a reminder of some best practices, Hugh's sessions are a great resource. This webinar is free to any Premium Member, and reduced pricing for other membership levels. There are several other webinars and sessions available in the Online Store for whatever subject might be a struggle for you!
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