About Us


We are entrepreneurial farm families who invite customers to visit our farms and experience the food and the fun we create to sustain our livelihood. Our membership is made up of farmers, extension agents, industry suppliers, researchers, farmers’ market participants, and government officials. Together we work to advance agritourism including on-farm retail, pick your own, consumer-supported agriculture, direct delivery, and farmers' markets. We facilitate events, resources, communications, and peer-to-peer exchanges that bring together new relationships and opportunities.



We exist to empower and inspire our members through education, connections, and resources for the continued advancement of agritourism.




We cultivate life long relationships with individuals who can guide us along our agritourism journey.



We create the spark of motivation that drives you to create something impactful —this drives inspiring “ah ha” moments for our members.


Empowerment & Education

We are committed to create and discover tools for our members to elevate their farms.


Trust & Integrity

We believe trust is a function of character and competence.  We are an organization that is committed to moral and ethical integrity.



We are committed to cutting edge thinking and new activities while repurposing old to make new, different, or more efficient.


NAFDMA was founded in 1986 and is a membership-based non-profit trade association dedicated to advancing the farm direct marketing and agritourism industries. NAFDMA is a financially transparent organization. Any current member may request a copy of NAFDMA’s annual budget or current financial statements.


Amir Maan

Alma Galloway

Scott DeBuck, President

Brad Gritt, Vice President

Andrea DeJesus, Treasurer

Judy Valachovic

Will Culler, Vice President

Laura Skelly, Secretary

Olivia Telschow

Jeff Probst

Interested in becoming a board member?

Duties include, generally:

  • Attendance at web-based Board of Director meetings
  • Attendance at any other project based or special planning sessions for which ever you volunteer
  • Abide by organizational Conflict of Interest policy and Ethics policy (available for public review)
  • Review and maintain knowledge of governance policies 
  • Attend annual convention and other event as possible
  • Board members are not compensated for their time on the board but are reimbursed for any travel related to board governance and volunteer efforts

Contact Suzi Spahr for more information about becoming a board member at suzi@nafdma.com.

AntiTrust Statement:

NAFDMA has a policy of strict compliance with federal and state antitrust laws. NAFDMA members cannot come to understandings, make agreements, or otherwise concur on positions or activities that in any way tend to raise, lower or stabilize prices or fees. Members can discuss pricing models, methods, systems, and applications, as well as certain cost matters that do not lead to an agreement or consensus on prices or fees to be charged.

However, there can be no discussion as to what constitutes a reasonable, fair or appropriate price or fee to charge for any service or product. Information may be presented with regard to historical pricing activities so long as such information is general in nature and does not include data on current prices or fees being charged in any trade area. Any discussion of current or future prices, fees, discounting, and other terms and conditions of sale, which may lead to an agreement or consensus on prices or fees to be charged, is strictly prohibited. A price fixing violation may be inferred from price-related discussions followed by parallel decisions on pricing by association members — even in the absence of an oral or written agreement.

Anti-Kickback Policy

To ensure ethical practices and compliance with legal standards, this Anti-Kickback Policy prohibits any form of bribery, kickbacks, or improper payments in association with the business activities of NAFDMA.

This policy applies to all employees, board members, volunteers, contractors, agents, and other representatives of NAFDMA, as well as any individuals or organizations conducting business on behalf of the Association.

No person covered under this policy shall solicit, accept, or offer kickbacks in any form, including but not limited to cash, gifts, entertainment, or other benefits that could reasonably appear to influence business decisions or undermine the integrity of NAFDMA.

Occasional, nominal gifts may be permissible only if they are of nominal value and do not create an obligation or appearance of impropriety.

Any suspected or actual violations of this policy must be reported immediately to the Executive Director (or Board President if violation involves the Executive Director.) Failure to report known violations may result in disciplinary action.

Violations of this policy may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or termination of the relationship with NAFMDA. Legal action may also be pursued if applicable.

By adhering to this policy, NAFDMA upholds its mission to operate with integrity, accountability, and transparency in all its partnerships and business practices.

Definition of Kickback

Any payment, commission, or valuable item given to influence a decision or gain an improper advantage. This may include, but is not limited to, cash, gifts, favors, discounts, or services intended to reward or influence someone’s conduct.

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