Office: 855-623-3621
P.O. Box 30481
Indianapolis, IN 46220
Connecting agritourism operators from across the globe to advance the industry by embracing the power of shared knowledge and experience.
Agritourism is an agricultural enterprise attracting visitors to a farm or ranch to experience a connection with agriculture production and/or processing through entertainment, education, and/or the purchase of farm products.
Browse our selection of archived webinars, workshops and educational presentations in our online store. The Member Education Center contains exclusive one-page resources and an educational hub. Industry experts lead discussions on popular topics and issues in our popular Webinar and Roundtable Series.
NAFDMA SCHOLARSHIP FUND: The purpose of the fund is to provide assistance to those who would benefit from attendance at a NAFDMA event. It is not limited to current members, but to take advantage of the scholarship, the recipient must become a member of NAFDMA before applying for scholarship funding. A scholarship will cover 50% of the event registration fee.
Priority for awards will be given to existing members or those who have been referred to the scholarship program by a member or service provider. The referral will be noted through a question on the application asking how the applicant knew to apply. The initial deadline to apply for use of funds will be two weeks prior to the Early Bird Registration deadline of the event. Applications can be accepted after that time, but initial applications will have priority.
Are you an undergraduate college student who is interested in attending our convention? NAFDMA has scholarship funds to assist. Once approved, NAFDMA will cover 100% of the registration fees for your attendance. All travel and lodging will be at the expense of the individual. Use the application button below to describe your interest in agritourism and how you anticipate using your degree to benefit the agritourism industry. The initial deadline to apply for use of funds will be two weeks prior to the Early Bird registration of the event.
Farm to Farm Staff Exchange Scholarship
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